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How competitive is your farm?

PowerScore is Your Roadmap to Resilience

Empowering producers and informing the market with resource efficiency insights from real farms

Schedule a free 15-minute orientation with the RII Engineering Team

Extreme weather events change and labor issues are driving farms to cultivate in controlled environments, integrate technology, and automate to optimize crop performance. As energy and water efficiency best practices emerge, PowerScore measures and verifies the ways growers optimize facility efficiency and productivity and builds baselines for the CEA market to unveil the promise of a low-carbon, high-yield future.

PowerScore reveals operational key performance indicators of facilities and crops to compare against key performance targets and see year-over year trends. PowerScore aligns with your sustainability objectives by standardizing resource impacts of energy, water, and emissions to enable data-driven decision-making.

PowerScore is confidential, secure, trusted and proven

  • Trusted by governments, including USDA, New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado
  • Vetted by RII’s Technical Advisory Council

Gain operational insights now. Start today to get your free Performance Snapshot.

PowerScore informs market actors to activate producer support systems

As the PowerScore Ranked Data Set grows, RII shares industry-level resource usage information with governments, utilities and media to:

  • Ensure data-driven policy to support producer transitions toward efficient practices
  • Unlock efficiency incentives to offset the increased CapEx of technology
  • Inform accurate narratives about efficiency trends and opportunities
Governments, Utilities, Media
  • Become a member to access PowerScore Pro!

How It Works

Get started

on your efficiency journey by following these three easy steps.

Gather your records
Complete our confidential survey
Get your
performance snapshot