Technical Advisory Council
Developing best practices in water circularity for controlled environmental agriculture
For the first time, Resource Innovation Institute are collaborating with subject matter experts on the topic of Water Circularity. The topic is increasingly important as water scarcity is becoming a hot topic in the farming industry. The Water Circularity Working Group will advise on the development of a Water Circularity Best Practices Guide for CEA. The guide will be written and published by Resource Innovation Institute, available to producers as a free download, and promoted and distributed by the USDA.
The Best Practices Guide Water Circularity is now available!
Free, downloadable report provides information and guidelines to help support the adoption of efficient practices in indoor farms and greenhouses
Download the free report today!

”“Water is the new gold, and it is the driving conversation in most CEA operations at the moment. Today we hear a lot of news about water scarcity, especially in the West, and it is a huge concern. But there are also water challenges faced by farmers even in areas where water is plentiful. The mission of our Water Circularity Working Group is to find solutions for water concerns across all types of geographies and for both large and small operations. The goal is to help manage scarcity and reduce waste.”
Rob EddyTechnical Director, RII
Working Group Charter
The charter of the Water Circularity Working Group is to:
- Determine best practices for water efficiency, productivity, and circularity in CEA facilities, considering the effectiveness of substrates and nutrient strategies, recapture of irrigation and other wastewater, and treatment for reuse
- Provide recommendations on water-related policy guidance