The publication was peer-reviewed by RII’s Policy Working Group, leading researchers, and policy and equity advocates
On April 21st, just ahead of Earth Day, RII released its Cannabis Energy & Environment Policy Primer: For Federal, State, and Local Policy Makers and Regulators. The purpose of the Primer is to provide objective guidance and assistance to jurisdictions contemplating cannabis regulation and policies related to energy and environmental issues.
The Primer takes a deep dive into the issues of energy, water and waste. Rather than being prescriptive in its recommendations, the Primer offers advantages and disadvantages of the various approaches taken by leading governments to date on issues like lighting requirements. Racial and social justice considerations are included in each section to connect dots between issues such as the upfront cost of efficient technologies and the persistent lack of access to capital among business owners of color.
The Policy Primer was guided by RII’s Policy Working Group, comprised of government, industry, and policy representatives with firsthand experience on the issues, and was peer-reviewed by leading researchers and policy and equity advocates. Leading organizations with subject matter expertise were invited to weigh in on Policy Working Group dialogues to advance consensus-based guidance. RII will now be available to provide free briefings to government officials.