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April 23, 2020

How to Weather COVID and Improve Cannabis Energy Efficiency Now

Tighten your belt to ensure survival and reduce operating costs today and beyond   The president of an RII member company that manufactures cultivation HVAC equipment recently let us know that during the downtime presented by coronavirus, they have taken the opportunity to upgrade to highly efficient LED solutions for their business’ offices. An especially…
March 30, 2020

Incorporating Energy Guidelines in Cultivation Licensing

Advice for State and Federal Governments Looking to Incorporate Energy Guidelines in Cultivation Licensing Peer-reviewed Guidance for State and Federal Lawmakers   There are a number of opportunities for state and federal agencies, and, to a certain extent, utilities, to influence the cannabis industry with effective targeted policies. These suggestions are organized by time frame:…
March 10, 2020

Cultivator Input Needed for California Title 24 Revisions

Get Involved and Offer Input for California Title 24 Revisions Last month we wrote about how California’s proposed regulations aimed at saving energy and water while maintaining crop quality and production volume for crops grown in non-stacked and stacked indoor farms could affect essentially all cannabis cultivators. As noted before, the California Statewide Utility Codes…
February 7, 2020

California Energy Codes May Affect All “Controlled Environment Horticulture”

California Writing Energy Codes that May Affect Cannabis Cultivation and All “Controlled Environment Horticulture” How your business can get involved   As part of its 2022 code cycle, the California Energy Commission is reviewing proposals aimed at saving energy and water while maintaining crop quality and production volume for crops grown in non-stacked and stacked…
January 7, 2020

HVAC and Dehumidification Best Practices Guide for Cannabis Cultivators

RII’s HVAC Best Practices Guide Demystifies Approaches to Efficient HVAC for Cannabis Get Help with Controlled Environment Agriculture Dehumidification System Selection It can be difficult for growers and the design and construction professionals supporting them to navigate how to build and operate efficient and effective heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. You may not…
January 7, 2020

RII’s LED Lighting Best Practices Guide Launch

RII’s LED Lighting Best Practices Guide Illuminates the Way to Lower-Energy Grows   It can be difficult for growers and the design and construction professionals supporting them to navigate how to build and operate efficient and effective lighting systems for cultivation applications. You and your project team may be unsure where to turn for trustworthy…